“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich,yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich”
(2 Cor. 8:9 NIV).

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T he purpose of this program is to feed orphaned children and to reveal the love and affection of the Creator of the Universe toward them.
Attending the Kitchen Lessons, children learn not only to prepare tasty meals, but also to train their palates for refined dishes.

The Kitchen is like a studio, where dishes, salads and pastry are created unusually and harmoniously combining the tastes.

The purpose of the lessons is to develop creative mentality in children, to form their sense of taste and to teach them the rules of etiquette at the table.

Within the framework of the culinary lessons, we organize hospitality holidays for old people, for those with limited abilities and for mentally retarded children. The children learn to love and to be loved.

Cooking Classes


Կարդալ: Armenian Russian